My first travel to the United States, 14 years ago... What a wonderful experience : UNITED STATES

eleonora : north america : united states : california, arizona, nevada : san diego, los angeles, san francisco, tucson, las vegas is an exciting traveller community of the world

My first travel to the United States, 14 years ago... What a wonderful experience

San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tucson, Las Vegas

Sea world, San Diego
Sea world, San Diego
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My first travel to the United States, 14 years ago... What a wonderful experience

Località: San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tucson, Las Vegas
Regione: California, Arizona, Nevada
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What a journey ... I am now almost 14 years, yet despite the time elapsed and time having been a child of 9 years who could not understand how lucky he had, I still treasure memories of that wonderful adventure. ..
A month full of wonderful places, discoveries, of kilometers long with camper as the bus to the edge of the tragicomic unexpected (like my father that you forget to unplug the pipes of the exhaust from the campground and the dragging behind the incredible .. .. or have melted the engine of the camper in the desert in Arizona ... or have destroyed the roof of a gas station because the campers went there ...!!!!!)!!! I was twice in America (and this year I will have the chance to come back) and return home ... I always had a feeling like you've left a second home!
Obviously I can not be useful in terms of practical advice, being too small so I can take in person ... but I can say that travel on the road have a completely different flavor ... it's a car that has a camper ( even more fun!) you have to appreciate many small seemingly insignificant things that do contribute greatly to making a unique and unforgettable journey ...
I always remember the ride in the reserve of Havasupai ... unfortunately the camera has abandoned us along the way, but nature, the three waterfalls, swimming in the sunset I remember them well ... as I remember the smell of intoxicating vanilla magically emanated the bark of ponderosa pine in Sequoia National Park .... or the red of the Golden Gate that overlooks the bay of San Francisco ... or funny shapes of cacti in the park plan the pipe ... wonder before the Petrified Forest and his majesty (traveling with a geologist, I took advantage of a tour ).... its special landscapes carved by the Colorado and its water gelidissima I bravely defied a thousand extravagances of Las ... Vegas and collect the coins that were in the slot machines secretly sneak ....
What a beautiful land .... absolutely not miss!!


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